3rd MEB Marines in Okinawa Complete Rapid Mobilization Drill to Prepare for Indo-Pacific Crises - U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Cory Trott, the chemical biological, radiological, and nuclear defense chief with 3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, III Marine Expeditionary Force, gives remarks during the 3rd MEB’s Alert Contingency Marine Air Ground Task Force Exercise on Camp Courtney, Okinawa, Japan, June, 30, 2021. The exercise consisted of rapidly mobilizing a Forward Command Element which was supplemented by scalable follow-on forces from other elements of III MEF. 3rd MEB conducted the exercise as a no-notice, integrated, rapid-response event to demonstrate ability to deploy rapidly and assist in maintaining regional stability as required. The ACMEX enhanced the MEB staff and augment’s ability to conduct command and control during a crisis or contingency response in the Indo-Pacific region. 3rd MEB is a “fight now” force, forward-deployed and forward-postured, always ready to rapidly deploy throughout the region. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Sarah Marshall)