U.S. Marine Cpl. Brendan Terrible (foreground), a radio operator, and Lance Cpl. Levii Khalfaoui McLeod, (background), a data systems administrator with 7th Communication Battalion, III Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group, adjust a horizontal dipole field expedient antenna while reinforcing 3D Marine Expeditionary Brigade during exercise Yama Sakura 81 on Camp Courtney, Okinawa, Japan Dec. 10, 2021. Yama Sakura 81 is the largest joint and bilateral command post exercise (CPX) co-sponsored by U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) and the JGSDF designed to increase joint force lethality, enhance design and posture, and strengthen alliances and partnerships (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Staff Sergeant Andrew Ochoa). - U.S. Marine Cpl. Brendan Terrible (foreground), a radio operator, and Lance Cpl. Levii Khalfaoui McLeod, (background), a data systems administrator with 7th Communication Battalion, III Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group, adjust a horizontal dipole field expedient antenna while reinforcing 3D Marine Expeditionary Brigade during exercise Yama Sakura 81 on Camp Courtney, Okinawa, Japan Dec. 10, 2021. Yama Sakura 81 is the largest joint and bilateral command post exercise (CPX) co-sponsored by U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) and the JGSDF designed to increase joint force lethality, enhance design and posture, and strengthen alliances and partnerships (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Staff Sergeant Andrew Ochoa).